WORDPLAII’s Sonic Journey: ‘Change Locations’ Marks a New Chapter in Hip-Hop

Embracing the winds of change, rising Hip-Hop artist WORDPLAII takes listeners on a captivating ride through personal evolution with his latest single, ‘Change Locations.’ Having crafted music for over five years, WORDPLAII’s hiatus from 2018 to 2020 fueled the creation of this track, symbolizing a transformative journey through different cities, states, mindsets, and goals. The artist’s commitment to preserving Hip-Hop’s foundational sound while incorporating modern innovation sets him apart, making ‘Change Locations’ a testament to his dedication to the craft.

WORDPLAII serves as the sole vocalist, skillfully weaving his lyrical narratives over various producers’ work. Hailing from Roswell, New Mexico, WORDPLAII’s solo journey through the realm of Hip-Hop reflects a unique and personal perspective.

Kanye West stands out as one of WORDPLAII’s primary influences, with the artist acknowledging the transformative impact of Kanye’s work on the hip-hop landscape. From Kanye’s groundbreaking first album to his continuous evolution, the influence of Kanye’s records and come-up story resonates deeply with WORDPLAII.

While not boasting recent gigs or festivals, WORDPLAII is gearing up for a significant year, eagerly anticipating new opportunities. The artist’s dedication and focus on pushing boundaries in 2023 promise exciting developments.

Currently engaged in a creative collaboration with a producer based in Italy, WORDPLAII is expanding his artistic horizons, bringing an international flavor to his upcoming projects.

The single ‘Change Locations’ was a fully independent effort, recorded, mixed, and mastered by WORDPLAII himself in Tampa, Florida. This DIY approach underscores the artist’s hands-on commitment to every aspect of his craft.

The song encapsulates WORDPLAII’s transformative journey over the past two years, breaking free from old habits, environments, and relationships to pursue personal growth and well-being. ‘Change Locations’ is a sonic reflection of the artist’s commitment to self-improvement and the pursuit of what’s best for oneself.

Following an extensive musical hiatus, ‘Change Locations’ emerged as a symbolic representation of WORDPLAII’s reentry into the music scene, signifying a fresh start and a new chapter in his artistic journey.

“Make whatever the hell you want, and keep going.” This mantra encapsulates WORDPLAII’s fearless approach to his craft, urging artists and listeners alike to embrace creative freedom and persist in their musical endeavors.

‘Change Locations’ by WORDPLAII is more than a song; it’s a declaration of personal evolution and artistic integrity. As the artist continues to push boundaries, collaborate globally, and shape the future of his sound, listeners can expect more thought-provoking and resonant releases from this rising force in the world of Hip-Hop. In the words of WORDPLAII, the key is simple: make what you want and keep going.

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