The Celtic Harper’s Debut Album “Carnivorine”: A Musical Odyssey through Myth and Emotion

In the ever-evolving world of music, a new luminary is ready to shine, and his name is The Celtic Harper, known in the academic sphere as Dr. Andrew Smith. Nestled in the heart of Somerset, this classically trained harpist and lyrical folk tenor is poised to make a significant impact with his inaugural album, “Carnivorine,” slated for release on September 23, 2023.

Dr. Andrew Smith’s captivating journey in the realm of music commenced at a tender age when he first graced the stage at a mere five years old. Since that auspicious beginning, he has adorned himself with a myriad of roles in the performing arts, transitioning seamlessly from actor to scriptwriter, singer to director. His innate love for storytelling, kindled in his early years, finds an enduring outlet in his songwriting.

The late eighties marked the genesis of Dr. Smith’s musical exploration as he began performing in clubs and pubs. His talents, however, extend far beyond the realm of the harp; he’s a proficient recorder player, a masterful percussionist, and a skilled autoharpist, all of which bear testimony to his versatile musical prowess.

With “Carnivorine,” Dr. Smith pensively crafted 14 of the album’s 16 songs, infusing each one with the rich tapestry of folklore, mythology, ancient spiritual practices, and acts of devotion. This isn’t merely a collection of songs but rather a profound odyssey delving deep into the tapestry of human narratives that traverse the bounds of time and space.

Dr. Smith’s mastery of the harp is nothing short of remarkable. He gracefully commands instruments spanning a vast range from 19 to 47 strings, some adorned with levers and/or pedals. His virtuosity knows no bounds, enabling him to traverse the musical landscapes of both the concert harp and clarsach. His unyielding commitment to musical excellence is evident in the esteemed mentors and luminaries he has studied under, including Rhian Evans, Alice Kirwan, and his current teacher, Ruth Faber. Dr. Smith’s insatiable quest for perfection led him to partake in enlightening workshops conducted by international harp virtuosos such as Aillie Robertson and Eira Lynn Jones, among others.

Beyond the realms of music, Dr. Smith dons another mantle; he is a dedicated psychotherapist and a dedicated researcher specializing in working with children and young people within the NHS. It’s his intimate experiences in this domain that have ignited his passion for music, inspiring him to craft original compositions that artfully articulate the indomitable spirit of humanity in the face of adversities.

The forthcoming release of “Carnivorine” signifies more than just a musical debut; it signifies an enchanting voyage through narratives and emotions, a harmonious fusion of myth and melody, and an exploration of the boundless human spirit. Dr. Smith’s multifaceted talents as a musician, therapist, and storyteller converge in this album, promising an experience that transcends the ordinary.

Mark your calendars for September 23, 2023, a date that heralds the arrival of The Celtic Harper’s “Carnivorine,” a masterpiece that will sweep you on an enchanting and evocative journey through the annals of time, space, and the rich tapestry of human existence.

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