Anna Thoresen Unveils New Single “Mary Jane” – A Personal Ode to Love and Weed

Emerging artist Anna Thoresen, a 22-year-old singer-songwriter from New Jersey, has released her new single “Mary Jane,” a deeply personal and self-produced track that explores her relationship with marijuana. Written, recorded, and produced entirely by Thoresen in her Los Angeles bedroom, “Mary Jane” stands as a testament to her growing prowess as a solo artist and her unique approach to music creation.

Anna Thoresen’s journey into the music industry is marked by her DIY ethos and authentic storytelling. “Mary Jane” was born from her experiences shortly after moving to Los Angeles, where she spent considerable time with the song’s namesake. “I wrote this song Mary Jane when I first moved to LA and was spending a lot of time with her,” Thoresen explains. The track was created entirely under the influence, adding an intimate and authentic layer to the production.

Drawing inspiration from a diverse array of artists, Thoresen lists Amy Winehouse, Lady Gaga, Alanis Morissette, and Charli XCX as her main influences. These artists’ impact is evident in her music, blending emotive storytelling with compelling melodies and modern production techniques.

Recorded in the confines of her bedroom, “Mary Jane” showcases Thoresen’s multifaceted talents as a writer, producer, and vocalist. “I’ve always wanted to write a song that was somewhat of an homage to my love of marijuana,” Thoresen says. The song’s genesis occurred while she was experimenting on Logic Pro, under the influence of marijuana, which she admits made the whole process more enjoyable and creatively freeing.

While “Mary Jane” is ostensibly about Thoresen’s affection for marijuana, it delves deeper into the complexities of her relationship with the drug. Thoresen compares her use of marijuana to being in a toxic romantic relationship, drawing from her own past experiences. “Of course, the song is about weed, but more specifically, it’s about my abusive relationship I have with the drug,” she explains. This dual-layered narrative gives the song a poignant edge, resonating with listeners who have faced similar struggles.

Though relatively new to the music scene, Thoresen has already garnered praise for her originality and artistic growth. Plastic Mag lauded her, stating, “With each release, Anna Thoresen reveals her growth as an artist and her knack for penning songs that are memorable and original.” This positive reception bodes well for her future endeavors, even though she has yet to perform at notable gigs or festivals.

Reflecting on her creation, Thoresen describes “Mary Jane” as “the child of my two favorite things: love, and weed.” This eye-catching statement encapsulates the essence of the song and Thoresen’s candid approach to her music.

“Mary Jane” is more than just a song about marijuana; it’s an exploration of the nuanced and sometimes toxic relationships we form with our vices. Anna Thoresen’s ability to translate personal experiences into compelling music highlights her potential as a rising star in the music industry. As she continues to develop her craft and share her journey, listeners can look forward to more heartfelt and authentic releases from this talented artist.

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