Chandra Invites the World to ‘Smile (No Fox Gibbon)’: An Anthem for Unapologetic Joy

Chandra’s upcoming single, ‘Smile (No Fox Gibbon),’ is slated for release on October 27, 2023, following the triumphant success of his previously acclaimed track, ‘Pretty,’ which debuted in August. This vibrant pop-rock anthem serves as a call for listeners to liberate themselves from the weight of judgment and revel in the unfiltered joy of smiling and laughter, uninhibited by societal constraints.

The essence of ‘Smile (No Fox Gibbon)’ encapsulates a spirited celebration of life’s moments that inspire uncontrollable grins and laughter. Chandra intimately connects with his audience by acknowledging the universal inclination to stifle joy in public spaces. He candidly shares his personal battles with self-consciousness, striving to break free from the confines of societal norms and relish the lighter moments in life.

In Chandra’s poignant words: “I’ve grappled with this for so long that suppressing joy has become an automatic reflex. I penned this song because it’s a personal journey toward unapologetic happiness. Imagine a world where we care a little less about who’s watching and genuinely relish those magnificent moments in our day. Let’s embrace those carefree smiles without inhibition.”

The song inherently advocates for unrestrained expressions of joy and uninhibited smiles, encouraging individuals to embrace the bliss inherent in everyday occurrences. The accompanying music video for ‘Smile (No Fox Gibbon)’ promises to be a global collage of authentic smiles, laughter, and unfiltered displays of euphoria, showcasing diverse individuals worldwide sharing their unique moments of genuine delight.

Chandra, the creative force behind this exhilarating anthem, co-produced the single with Aaron Shawt. The track is a testament to Chandra’s resolute commitment to spreading the unadulterated message of happiness.

‘Smile (No Fox Gibbon)’ transcends the label of a mere song; it extends an open invitation to revel in life’s simple joys, cast aside reservations, and embrace the liberating strength of a genuine smile, unburdened by worldly worries. This track emerges as a resounding anthem for unapologetic joy, channeling Chandra’s infectious enthusiasm to celebrate life’s most delightful moments.

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